Now available: video and articles of conference “Sexual offences: dialogue between European reforms”

Now available: the video of the conference “Sexual offences: dialogue between European reforms” (May, 4)

Click here to see the recording  

Also available, in open access in the journal Anatomia do Crime, vol.  17, some articles corresponding to the lectures given at the conference:

“Magna Carta do Delinquente versus Direito Penal da vítima na reforma penal do crime de violação” (Maria Fernanda Palma)
“Rethinking Sexual Crimes: From Women’s Consent to Men’s Responsibility” (Jonathan Herring)
“El nuevo delito de agresión sexual en el Código Penal español: crónica de una reforma fallida” (Elena Blanca Marín de Espinosa Ceballos)
“Victimes majeures et mineures d’infractions sexuelles : l’approche du consentement par le droit pénal français” (Audrey Darsonville)

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