The Research Centre . The Centre’s Researchers

Prof.ª Doutora Inês Ferreira Leite

Prof.ª Doutora Inês Ferreira Leite

Secretary General of IDPCC

Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedural law, Internacional Criminal Law, Comparative Criminal law

  • PhD (Criminal Law) completed in 2015 – Lisbon Law School – University of Lisbon, Lisboa (Portugal)
  • Master in criminal law completed in 2006 – Lisbon Law School – University of Lisbon, Lisboa (Portugal)
  • Law Degree, completed in 2001 – Lisbon Law School – University of Lisbon, Lisboa (Portugal)
  • 2018: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a Master seminar on Criminal Law and Feminism
  • 2018: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Criminal Law​ and Social Culture
  • From 2016: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a Master seminar on Criminal Punishment​
  • From 2015: Professor, University of Lisbon’s School of Law (2015-ongoing)
    From 2013: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on medical consent and end of life decisions / Postgraduate Course on the Law of Medicine and Criminal Justice, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute​
  • From 2013: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on personal data protection, autonomy, consent and medical databases / Postgraduate Course on the Law of Medicine and Criminal Justice, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • From 2007: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Sciences with a seminar on DNA, Criminal Investigation and Scientific Investigation / Cycle of Conferences in the Master of Human Biology and Environment, organised by the Centre of Environmental Biology of the School of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
  • 2016: Lecturer at the Azores Cycle of Seminars on Law – Current trends on criminalization and decriminalization, organised by the Portuguese Judges Association​
  • 2016: Lecturer at University of Lisbon –​ School of Law​ with a seminar on Terrorism and the Rule of Law, part of an International Conference on The Foundations of Contemporary Rule of Law: Terrorism and State of Emergency, organised by the Research Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences with the support of the Foundation for Science and Technology​​
  • ​2016​: Lecturer at University of Lisbon –​ School of Law​ with a seminar on​ Money Loundering and Corporate Criminal Liability, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute​
    2016: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – Institute of Social and Political Sciences with a seminar on Feminism and Politics
  • 2015: Lecturer at the Centre for Judicial Studies with a half-semester seminar on administrative punitive law / training of judges and public prosecutors
  • 2015: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law in the International Conference: Mind and Responsibility – Theory of the Mind and its implications on Criminal Law​, co-organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute and the Research Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences​​
    2015: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on ne bis in idem and administrative law / Course in Administrative Sanctions Law, co-organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute and the Political Sciences Institute
  • 2015: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on administrative punitive sanctions and the ECHR case-law / Course in Administrative Sanctions Law, coorganised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute and the Political Sciences Institute
  • 2010-2014: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on sexual crimes, the elements of the crime and the burden of proof / Postgraduate course in Investigation and Proof in Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2010-2014: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Burden of proof and the relevance of the co-defendant’s declarations / Postgraduate course in Investigation and Proof in Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2010-2014: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Privacy, Criminal Procedure and Media / Post-graduate course on the Reform of the Criminal and Procedural Criminal Law in a society of risks / Postgraduate course in Investigation and Proof in Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2010-2014: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on The limits for secrecy and disclosure in Criminal Procedural Law / Postgraduate course on the Reform of the Criminal and Procedural Criminal Law in a society of risks / Post – graduate course in Investigation and Proof in Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2010-2011: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Liability in media activity, criminal law and privacy / Postgraduate course in Media Law, organised by the Political Sciences Institute and the Authority for Media Regulation
  • 2010: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Justification in Economical and Financial Criminal Law / Postgraduate course in Economical and Financial Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2009-2010: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on The protection of European communities financial interests / Postgraduate course in Economical and Financial Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2008-2010: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Maltreatment / Post-graduate course on the Reform of the Criminal and Procedural Criminal Law in a society of risks / Postgraduate course in Investigation and Proof in Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2009: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Burden of proof and the relevance of the co-defendant’s declarations / Postgraduate course in Investigation and Proof in Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2009: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Probation in European Law / International Seminar on Justice and Society
  • 2008-2009: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Guilt, Excuses and the Ethics of Emotions / Postgraduate course on the Reform of the Criminal and Procedural Criminal Law in a society of risks, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2008-2009: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Criminal Law Reforms in Europe / Postgraduate course on the Reform of the Criminal and Procedural Criminal Law in a society of risks, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2008-2009: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Liability in media activity, criminal law and privacy / Postgraduate course in Punitive Law and Regulation, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2007-2008: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Maltreatment / Postgraduate course on Filiation, Adoption and Children’s law, University of Lisbon’s School of Law
  • 2008: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on The Corpus Juris and the harmonization of Criminal Law / Postgraduate course in Economical and Financial Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute
  • 2007: Lecturer at University of Lisbon – School of Law with a seminar on Administrative Criminal law on the protection of the Environment / Postgraduate course in Urbanism and Environment
  • 2006-2014: Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon’s School of Law
  • 2001-2006: Trainee Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon’s School of Law
  • 2018: Participation in PACED’s Conference in Maputo, Mozambique (Projeto de Apoio à Consolidação do Estado de Direito, co-financed by the UE)
  • From 2017: Member of the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination
  • 2017: Scientific coordinator of the Postgraduate course in Cinema and Criminal Law
  • From 2016: Project Manager of Protasis: Police Training Skills (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/VICT/9318), co-financed by the EU
  • From 2015:​ Expert at the research project RIMES – Criminal Justice Policy and Social Exclusion, whose objective is to develop an instrument for measuring the social exclusion generated by criminal justice policy in Western developed countries, organised by the Universidad de Malaga.
  • From 2015: Member of the Editorial Board of the “Anatomia do Crime”, Revista de Ciências Jurídico-Criminais
  • 2010: Scientific coordinator of the Post – graduate course in Investigation and Proof in Criminal Law, organised by the Criminal law and Criminal Sciences Institute (IDPCC)
  • From 2007: Founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the IDPCC
  • 2007-2016: Cycle of Conferences in the Master of Human Biology and Environment, organised by the Center of Environmental Biology of the School of Sciences of the University of Lisbon)
  • 2006-2007: Member of the Workgroup for the Reform of the Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law
  • 2006-2009: Member of the Workgroup for the Reform of Law on juvenile criminal offenders and criminal protection of juveniles
  • 2006-2009: Member of the Workgroup for the Reform of the Family Law
  • Trainee Lawyer “A. M. Pereira, Sáragga Leal, Oliveira Martins, Júdice & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados”, (2001/2003)
  • Legal adviser for the Deputy Secretary of State for Justice Affairs in the do XVI Constitutional Government (2006-2009)
  • Lawyer (2018)


  • 2016​​​: Ne (idem) bis in idem. A Proibição de Dupla Punição e de Duplo Julgamento como Contributo para a Racionalidade do Poder Punitivo Público (Ne (idem) bis in idem. The ban on multiple punishment and prosecution and its contributions towards the rationalization of the punitive power of the State​), tese de doutoramento (Ph.D Thesis), AAFDL;​
  • 2008: “O Conflito de Leis Penais – Natureza e função do Direito Penal Internacional” (Conflict of Criminal Laws – International Criminal law) Coimbra Editora;​
  • 2003: Pedofilia. Repercussões das Novas Formas de Criminalidade na Teoria Geral da Infracção (Phaedofilia – implications on the traditional squeme of criminal ascription), Almedina;​

Articles and Book Chapters

  • 2018: Brave New World: Human dignity and the Welfare State within the tensions between the right to family and the child’s best interest, A Dignidade da Pessoa Humana na Justiça Constitucional, Almedina, 2018;
  • 2016: “Prostituição: feminismo e capitalismo no debate legalização v. incriminação”, «Revista Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher» (“Prostitution: feminism and capitalism on the debate concerning legalization v. incrimination”, in «Review The Faces of Eve. Woman Studies»), Edições Colibri, (35), ISSN 0874 – 6885 – peer review;​
  • 2014: “Direito à saúde – Direito à informação médica – Sigilo médico – Interesse público: critérios de orientação do juízo de concordância prática”, «Anatomia do Crime, Revista Digital do Instituto de Direito Penal e Ciências Criminais» (“Right to Health – Right to Medical Information – Medical Privilege – Public Interest: Criteria for Reciprocal Restriction under Constitutional Law”,​ in «Crime Anatomy, Digital Review of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences​»), n.º 0 (número inaugural); – peer review;​
  • 2014: “O novo regime das escutas telefónicas. Uma visão panorâmica sobre a reforma de 2007”, «Direito de Investigação Criminal e da Prova» (“The new legal framework of wiretapping. A panoramic review of the Criminal Procedural Law Reform of 2007​”, in «Evidence and Criminal Investigation Law»​), Almedina;​
  • 2014: “A colaboração do co-arguido a fase de investigação”, «Direito de Investigação Criminal e da Prova» (“The Cooperation of Co-defendant in the Criminal Investigation​”, in «Evidence and Criminal Investigation Law»​), Almedina;​
  • 2014: “As linhas gerais da reforma do CPP de 2010”, «Direito de Investigação Criminal e da Prova» (“The most relevant traits of the Criminal Procedural Law Reform of 2010”, in «Evidence and Criminal Investigation Law»), Almedina;​
  • 2012: “A Tutela Penal da Liberdade Sexual​”, Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Criminal​ (“Liability in sexual crimes”, in Portuguese Review of Criminal Sciences), 21 – peer review;​
  • 2012: “Direito Penal Europeu: do Corpus Juris aos métodos de integração europeia”, «Direito Penal Económico e Financeiro» (“European Criminal Law: from Corpus Juris to the integration methods”, in «Financial and Economical Criminal Law​»), Coimbra;​
  • 2010: “Arrependido: A Colaboração do Co-Arguido na Investigação Criminal” «2.º Congresso de Investigação Criminal» (“Repentant: Cooperation of Co-defendants and Criminal Investigation”​, in «Second Congress of Criminal Investigation», Almedina;
  • 2010: “Segredo ou Publicidade: A Tentação de Kafka na Investigação Criminal Portuguesa”, «Revista do Ministério Público» (“Secrecy or Publicity: The temptation of Kafka in the Portuguese Criminal Investigation”, in «Public Prosecutors Law Review»), 124;​
  • 2009: “Direito Penal da Comunicação Social: As especificidades da legislação para o sector”, «O Direito Sancionatório das Entidades Reguladoras», 2009 (“Criminal Law and Media”, in «Administrative Sanctionsand Independent Agencies»), Coimbra Editora​;
  • «Direito Processual Penal – Materiais de apoio às aulas práticas», AAFDL, 2002, edited by Jorge Noronha e Silveira (5.ª Ed. 2006)
    (Students book for Criminal procedural law)

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