Filosofia do Direito, Teoria do Direito, Epistemologia, Filosofia da Linguagem, Teoria da Argumentação, Direito Constitucional, Direitos Fundamentais, Direito Penal
“Normativity Naturalized? Some Thoughts on Bruno Celanos Pre-Conventions”; Milano Law Review, July 2024,
“The Concept of Open Texture in Harts Concept of Law”; AProposito dos 60 anos d’ O Conceito de Direito de Hart, Lisbon Public Law Editions, 2023,
“The Nature and Value of Vagueness in the Law“; Book Review (Jurisprudence); January 2022;
How to Pull Types of Discretion out of Kelsen´s Pure Theory of Law; A Obra e o Pensamento de Hans Kelsen (Republication AAFDL); January 2020;
How to Pull Types of Discretion out of Kelsen´s Pure Theory of Law (Pravni Zapisi/Legal Records,2/2019, December 2019
When it is Vague What is Vague: Identifying Vagueness in Legal Interpretation and Scientific Knowledge, Springer; September 2019;
Uma Questão de Princı́pio: O Princı́pio da Autonomia Local; e-publica, VOL. 5 Nº 2; July 2018;