Charter of Ethics . 4. Disciplinary procedure

(previous section: 3. Ethics committee)

a) Breaches of the duties set out in points 2.2; 2.3, a); 2.4, a), b), c) h) and 2.6, a) constitute serious infractions

Serious infractions are punishable by:

i) Suspension from one month to one year
ii) Permanent removal from the activities of the Research Centre

b) Violations of other principles and duties set out in this Charter constitute minor infractions

Minor infractions are punishable by:

i) Invitation to reformulate or withdraw from the project
ii) Written reprimand
iii) Warning

c) The application of the disciplinary sanctions foreseen in this Charter does not prejudice or exclude any disciplinary, civil, administrative, or criminal liability provided for by other legal rules applicable to the same facts.

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