CIDPCC organizes the conference on “Sexual offences: dialogues between European reforms” at the Auditorium of the School of Law of University of Lisbon, on May 4, 2023, 9:30 am – 4 pm.
9:30 am Opening – Paula Vaz Freire (Dean of the School of Law of University of Lisbon)
10 am Jonathan Herring (Professor of Law Exeter College – Oxford University) – Rethinking sexual crimes: from women’s consent to men’s responsibility
11 am Tatjana Hörnle (Managing Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law) – European reforms on sexual crimes
12 am Maria Fernanda Palma (Full Professor at School of Law of University of Lisbon) – Sexual assault within the consent model as a new paradigm of sexual autonomy
1:40 pm Audrey Darsonville (Professeur Agrégé, Université Paris Nanterre) – Victimes mineures et majeures – l’approche du consentement par le droit pénal français
2:30 pm Elena Ceballos (Full Professor at Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Granada) – Ley Orgánica 10/2022, de 6 de septiembre, de garantía integral de la libertad sexual
3:30 pm Closure – Dulce Rocha (President of IAC – Child Support Institute)